I was discussing about how dangerous AIDS is with few of the female workers in the factory. I said "it is better to have no sex than not save sex". OK one of them said I am not agree because, "no sex.... no live",
And further more she said "no water no live". I had nothing more to say, if they want to have insecure sex it is up to them.
This attitude to AIDS is a problem here, one of the male worker said to me the other day "I do not believe that AIDS is real", and then he ask me "can you show me a picture of this AIDS"? Do someone have a picture of AIDS in his wallet? Here with is a picture of the lady. regards, Asgeir
2 ummæli:
Hvernig á að vera hægt að eyða vanþekkingunni þegar hugsunarhátturinn er svona?
Flott mynd :-)
ég veit það ekki sennilega bara að halda áfram fræðslu. En þetta er eins og með reykingar og drykkju fólki hentar ekki sannleikurinn þegar hann snýr að þeim, og hvað er svo að því að stunda öruggt kynlíf? Jú þeim finnst bara vont að nota smokka.
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